Find the group that’s right for you
Our ministries create a space for people to intentionally live their lives and grow spiritually together. We strive to encourage each other through the highs and lows of life. Serving is where our faith meets action. It is an opportunity to find a place to use your gifts, talents, and passions to serve the ongoing ministries of OFC. The primary way to serve our church community is by joining one of our ministry teams.
Marriage Ministry
Our Pastor Dashon and Lady Lafrance Kee, along with Minister Seon and Lauren Brown, come together monthly to stand on one accord with married couples throughout our city to help them build marriage bonds and to keep them together, as God has ordained. During these sessions, there are candid conversations and building exercises, catered to assisting in overcoming obstacles that the enemy (and life, itself) brings in their direction. The Marriage Ministry also offers a yearly weekend retreat, as our leaders partner with other married spiritual leaders to provide more perspective and opportunity to grow while rekindling their marital fire.
Youth Ministry
Youth Pastor Tiffany Howard and team works diligently with our children ages 3-14 years old as they grow in Christ on a level that they can comprehend. They are taught scripture, stories, song, dance, life and spiritual values that they can carry with them for the remainder of their lives. They also learn social skills such as building friendships, discipline in sharing, and praying for others. The youth team models the scripture of showing love to one another through engagement and regular interaction.
Singles Ministries
Evangelist Bernita Kee, as a single woman of God, leads a monthly session that allows singles of all ages to support one another as they wait on God to send their mate, or learn how to live saved and single lives. Together, they work to live their lives as it pleases God, and are mindful of not compromising their spiritual values.
Following our church’s vision of “Reaching the lost at any cost,” we branch out into our community and surrounding communities to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and give to the needy of God’s people. We provide Thanksgiving food baskets, adopt families for Christmas, sponsor giveaways, donate school supplies, provide college scholarships and so much more.
Praise Team
A group dedicated to praising God through song and worship. The team sets the atmosphere for our worship services. We exhort our Lord and Savior for who He is, what He has done, and what He has yet to do.
Usher & Hospitality
They are our First Touch department that helps to leave lasting impressions for our guests and all that come to share in our worship experience. They maintain order throughout the church and inside the sanctuary, and are prepared to answer any questions and provide direction to all as warranted.
Media Team
Our Media team engages in video, sound, social platforms and all other outlets concerning media. We are always looking for talented volunteers that are attentive, faithful and have an eye/ear to work in this fast-paced environment.
Prayer Warriors
Our Pastors, Elders and Ministers come together on one specific accord: to touch and agree with those that are sick, bereaved and dealing with the many different challenges of life. They team up in all areas of prayer including fire starting, intercessory prayer during our 6:00 AM prayer call, and visiting the sick and shut-in.